Our Vehicles

All our vehicles are specifically designed and built to assist those with mobility difficulties, e.g. sight impairment and other physical and emotional difficulties. As we replace each vehicle we are paying particular attention to design features which help those people living with Dementia, by avoiding confusing patterns and providing contracts between surfaces so they may be more easily identified.

Careful attention has been paid in designing an easy side entrance with step, handily place handrails with overhead illumination, comfortable easy access seats with lap and diagonal seat belts and contrasting colours, warm (powerfully heated) comfortable interiors. For those who cannot use the side entrance we provide a hydraulic tail lift to aid the less mobile and wheelchair users.

We operate all our vehicles under Section 19 or Section 22 permits as issued by the Department of Transport, with servicing and regular safety inspections in excess of minimum guidelines.

Our vehicle maintenance contractors, and our planning and recording systems have been inspected and approved by the Vehicle and Operator Services Agency (VOSA).